A Working-Mom’s Guide to Become More Organized

A Working-Mom’s Guide to Become More Organized

Hey mommies, did you set another new-year resolution that you’re failing to achieve however hard you try? Was your goal set to become more organized and less chaotic?

Well, the truth is, whether you're a first-time mom or a mother of 3, it’s always going to be difficult to manage both work and family. And, it’s completely fine to get overwhelmed or exhausted by the thought of doing even basic chores when you're managing so many things at a time.

Well, here’s another relieving truth, we at my house teacher have resolved to make your lives easier and to have your back, always!

So, without further ado, let’s jump to the list of activities that will make your life more sorted, planned and organized! Let’s make this long-lost dream come true.

Delegate Stuff

Yes, we know you’re a super-mom, but you need to realize you can’t do-it-all. You don’t have to. Delegating certain things to everyone in the house and your house-help will make your life a lot more easier and organised. You get to take a breather or do things that have been piling up on your wish-list!

Meal Planning 

No, we're not kidding. Meal planning isn’t only done for kids. You can take one day and plan all meals for the entire week. This won’t only save a lot of time, and energy but also resources. Grocery runs won’t be sitting on your to-do list everyday because the day you plan the meal you get an idea of what you require and when. Get a stock for the entire week or even month and bid-adieu to probably your toughest confusion “what should I cook for breakfast/lunch/dinner”.

Create a check-list 

We can never stop blabbering about how paramount these check-lists are! In fact, calling them a “life-saviour” might be an understatement. Planning your day in advance gives you a sense of direction, control and clarity. It might also help with the stress that comes with uncertainty. Oh, and the joy that comes from ticking things off the=is check-list is unmatched!

Clean and declutter, as much as possible, This has to be a personal favourite

Maximize off-days 

The best thing you can do is maximize off-days. Now we don’t mean or want you to work like a maniac even on off-days. But, if you plan out chores in advance you can take up those chores that can’t be done in a shorter amount of time, in other words, when you’re working.

Take time off 

While you can go on like a robot or as your kids like to call you “super-mom”, it’s extremely important to take days off and unwind. As moms you never really get to what’s important for you, your mental health and what brings you happiness. This can be draining and might have adverse effects if you continue for longer without hitting pause. So, take a chill-pill mommies, you certainly deserve it!

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